Thank you for opting to pay LPE via Centrepay. In order to do this, I need you to confirm some information and provide consent where possible:


  1. Can you please confirm your CRN? 
  2. Can you please confirm your Date of Birth?
  3. Can you please confirm the amount you would like LPE to debit and at what frequency i.e. weekly/fortnightly etc
  4. Can you please confirm which Centrelink payment you would like the Deduction taken from?


For me to proceed I need you to consent to the below:

Do you <Customers name> authorise the Department of Human Services to deduct <Agreed payment amount ($)> every <Agreed payment frequency> to pay LPE CRN number 555-114-624-H for electricity/water which we supply to you?"



  1. Thank you can you please confirm if you would like to set up a target amount or end date for your Deduction?

Please note: If you set a ‘target amount’ and the final deduction is set to be less than $2, the second last deduction will be increased to include the final amount. Do you agree with this happening?


 "Australian Privacy legislation protects your personal information. Do you give permission for LPE to disclose your information to the Department of Human Services for the purposes of"

  • checking your account number, billing number and the amount you want to pay; and
  • reconciling your payment Deduction details"



Can you please confirm that you also consent for LPE to provide your correct account and billing number if required to the Department of Human Services if required"


 Can you please confirm that you understand that:

  • you can change or cancel your Centrepay deduction(s) at any time;
  • further information can be found online at”


 Telephone Consent:

"Consent script read and agreed to? <Yes/No>"

"Consent Date: <XX/XX/XX> Consent Time: <00.00.00 am/pm>"